5 axes monobloc bridge saw for stone CNC Tecnika LAB / ELITE | Denver

Tecnika LAB / ELITE is the new 5-axis interpolated cutting center specifically designed for processing natural and engineered stone, ceramic and ultra-compact materials fully meeting the very parameters – speed, accuracy, working strokes and software interface – required for all tasks connected to efficient slab fabrication encompassing trimming, detensioning cuts, mitering, multidirectional and curvilinear jobs, as well as inner cut-outs.

Advanced materials such as engineered stone, ceramic and other stone/granite/quartz derivatives are pushing forward the technological challenge making traditional bridge saws increasingly obsolete. Tecnika LAB / ELITE comes with state-of-the-art technology to empower modern stone fabricators helping them to cope with the new materials characteristics delivering a specific machine-software package.

The monobloc structure ensures max rigidity, fast acceleration, cutting accuracy and easy installation. CAD design supported by finite elements analysis deliver superior mechanical response even in most demanding conditions allowing one tenth of a millimeter finish precision and constant quality.

All guides and sliding parts are suitably protected with an ABS guard (to guarantee lightweight, rustproof, soundproof, ergonomic and aesthetically pleasing result).
Flexibility is achieved by the PC-based Numeric Control, complete and versatile user-friendly software as well as the main motor with tool attachment enabling combined processing with sawblade, core drills and router bits.

The powerful Kw13/HP17,5 (S6) spindle with adjustable speed up to 6000 RPM featuring ½ gas attachment provides scope for a wide array of tasks using core drills and router bits.


5 axes monobloc bridge saw for stone CNC Tecnika LAB /

Tecnika ELITE | Denver


5 axes monobloc bridge saw for stone CNC Tecnika ELITE full open doors 5 axes monobloc bridge saw for stone CNC Tecnika LAB


5 axes bridge saw for stone Tecnika has many advantages, including:

  • solid construction of the machine, monoblock structure of the circular machine made of high quality sandblasted steel, hot-dip galvanized machine base, work surface and parts of the structure
  • large stationary working table (3500 x 2265 mm) made of heavily ribbed hot-dip galvanized steel
  • Hp 17,5 / Kw 13 (S6) motor with adjustable spindle speed till 6.000 rpm’s, interchangeable Easyspin insert with 1/2 gas right thread; ABS guard for disc, complete with tool cooling system with internal and external water passage
  • brushless drive – all axes are driven by brushless motors, which guarantee optimum precision and the highest quality components
  • powered head rotation axis with 0-180° range (0 ± 3°), interpolated with X and Y axes and displayed on control panel with ” no-play” reducer brushless motors by means of a high stiffness and positioning accuracy to allow automatic diagonal cuts at any angle
  • the sliding doors are made of ABS, a noise-depleting polymer; they help making the machine safer and quieter ensuring maximum working comfort to the operator to protect against possible water & piece projections (included in Tecnika ELITE, optional in Tecnika LAB)
  • head rotation in C axis with 0-360° range, interpolated with X, Y, Z, and A axes (when motor-powered), it may be used for automatic diagonal and curved cuts at any angle, with no need to move the slab
  • tilted cuts powered automatic inclination of the disc motor till 90°; with disc Ø 400 mm and tilted at 45°: cut is 3175mm x 2225mm on a 30 mm thick slab
  • mechanical Touch-Probe complete with management software to detect the slab thickness (it works with max. Ø 500mm disc); recommended when slab’s thickness is uneven to ensure flawless surface writing and carving
  • automatic touch probe for detection of sawblade diameter, complete with management software
  • the easy-to-use control panel features a 21-inch touchscreen with graphic icons for displaying, positioning and programming the X, Y, C and Z axes
  • remote control for perpendicular cutting operation, also facilitating positioning and slab preparation operations
  • a laser pointer positioned on the blade guard for the indication of the cut line
  • cross laser to ease the location and storage of the origin position and of the work piece dimensions and position, as well as polygonal templates with straight lines
  • XDRIVE is the DENVER technology for the 5 axis heads. It makes use of high-rigidity motor support fork and precision gear boxes with zero backlash. This technology is controlled by an extremely advanced software called TOOL CENTER POINT which simply and continuously manages tool movements ensuring extreme precision and fast positioning providing excellent finishes with less passes


  • centralized lubrication system
  • revolving balls pads guideways
  • heavily ribbed overhead beam made of normalized, high resilience steel, machined with one set-up only to ensure maximum accuracy
  • patented pre-loaded springs and steeldbands coupling system for rack and pinion transmission
  • advanced rust prevention treatment with double layer epoxy coating

5 axes monobloc bridge saw for stone CNC Tecnika ELITE l Tecnika LAB features


In the available configurations, Tecnika can make:

5 axes monobloc bridge saw for stone CNC Tecnika LAB l Tecnika ELITE processings


Tecnika ELITE Tecnika LAB
milling a cutter by default normally sold without a cutter
working table is milled work surface covered by a crushproof
and waterproof high density rubber material
is made of heavily ribbed hot zinc
front security doors has by default due to the availability of a cutter can be equipped at additional cost


SOLID version

Both the Tecnika LAB and the Tecnika ELITE can be manufactured in a version “on the walls” – made of steel or concrete


5 axes monobloc bridge saw for stone CNC Tecnika LAB dimensions


5 axes monobloc bridge saw for stone CNC Tecnika ELITE dimensions

About Denver

Denver offers a wide range of products for marble, natural stone and ceramic materials. Being on the market from 1984, Denver is nowadays a reliable, professional, partner who pays great attention in developing new and effective solutions both for workshops and for industrial production. DENVER’s R&D is constantly aiming at new and ambitious challenges. Saving on material scraps, labor costs, working time and gathering minimum batch size with machine’s quality and efficiency are the guidelines inspiring each solution proposed by DENVER. DENVER’s machine range encompasses bridge saws, CNCs, waterjets and polishing machines fitted with advanced softwares which are able to meet different customer needs.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty are goals that drive DENVER to continually take on new challenges. Since the very beginning DENVER developed some of the most meaningful and innovative ideas in the field of stone working machines. To date Denver still boasts the best-selling monoblock bridge saw machine in the world.


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